Sunday Funday



Our first day exploring Quito was a success! We started by taking the Teleferico up to a spectacular viewpoint of Quito from the top of Pichincha volcano.  At first, I (Mrs. Mac) found it pretty terrifying, as we loaded ourselves into one of the small hanging cable cars that snuggly fit six and made scary noises every time they went past one of the metal T bars.  If you have ever been to great adventure, you know this ride, except this time we made it up the entire mountain.  By the time we were half-way up, we were all cracking jokes and feeling pretty confident in the cable that was holding us up. One cool surprise at the top was an old Ecuadorian gentleman who was hanging out with some llamas so that tourists (like us!) could pose for pictures…so of course we did.  Afterwards, we returned IMG_7866down to explore the Old City section of Quito, which has amazing examples of Spanish Colonial architecture.  There is this really amazing statue that overlooks the city that we plan on visiting sometime while we are here.  After walking around the hilly streets for an hour of so, we spent the afternoon at a great hostel that had a rooftop patio that overlooked the city before heading to our volunteer site.

More pics tomorrow when we start our work!


About christine mccartney

I am a teacher, a wife, a proud aunt, a dog rescuer, a person who has been rescued by my rescued dogs, a hiker, a four time (phew!) cancer survivor, a runner, a tattoo addict, a vegetarian, an advocate, a friend and a happy traveller. Enjoy!
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2 Responses to Sunday Funday

  1. Kristen says:

    The city looks so colorful and amazing. What a view!

    Liked by 2 people

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