Our Lingering Questions

Are our fundraising goals realistic?

How do we build the sustainability of the program?

How can we create a valid and unbiased application process?

What opportunities exist to leverage expertise from our various stakeholders?

How can we make the experience valuable to the students who do not travel with us?

What further partnerships can we create to support our work?

What experiences should be part of the trip outside of service-learning?

What planning needs to happen with our service partner(s)?

How do we provide our students with an experience that pushes them to their “learning edge” (for both international service-learning and their Impact Projects)?

For the Impact Projects, how do we balance student interest and authentic community needs with manageability?


If you are reading this blog, we will most likely be seeking your input in the weeks to come.  This leads to our final thought: we are so lucky to work in a space where this amazing idea can become a reality.

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1 Response to Our Lingering Questions

  1. These are all very good questions and the answers won’t come easily. But they will come….

    Liked by 1 person

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